The Concept of the Mediterranean moulded by the Humanities in France


The Concept of the Mediterranean moulded by the Humanities in France,
from Elisée Reclus to Fernand Braudel (19th - 20th century)

In recent years the Mediterranean has been studied by academics as an intangible “concept”[1] rather than as a natural, geographical entity. How we imagine this space we call “Mediterranean” is now at least as important as the reality, whose contours anyway are not always agreed upon, sometimes a “sea”, sometimes a “continent”.[2] In fact, the word “Mediterranean” has not always existed: as the historian Anne Ruel has shown, it comes from the adjective “mediterranean”[3] which first appeared in the sixteenth century and was used only to describe indistinctly, as Jean-Jacques Rousseau did in 1762, “that which is surrounded by land and separates continents”.[4] In 1769, the naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon even made a list of a whole range of mediterranean seas in the world.[5]

[1]     See « Débat sur le concept de Méditerranée » in L’Espace géographique, tome 24, n°3, 1995, pp.209-222.
[2]     Robert Ilbert, « Méditerranée : mer ou continent ? » ; interview for the magazine Terres Marines, n° 4, 1992.
[3]     See Anne Ruel, « L’Invention de la Méditerranée », in Vingtième Siècle, n°32, October-December 1991. pp. 7-14. In 1708, Thomas Corneille's Dictionnaire universel, géographique et historique presents as a Méditerranée the “sea which begins at the Straits of Gibraltar and which stretches more than a thousand leagues up to the Kingdom of Syria [...] It was given the name Méditerranée, because being in the middle of all the lands of the Ancient World, it divides them in three parts, which are Europe, Asia, Africa.”
[4]     Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile ou de l’éducation, Francfort, 1762, volume 4.
[5]     Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon, Histoire naturelle, preuve de la théorie sur la terre, Paris, imprimerie nationale, 1769, volume 2.








In recent years the Mediterranean has been studied by academics as an intangible “concept” rather than as a natural, geographical entity. How we imagine this space we call “Mediterranean” is now at least as important as the reality, whose contours anyway are not always agreed upon, sometimes a “sea”, sometimes a “continent”. In fact, the word “Mediterranean” has not always existed: as the historian Anne Ruel has shown, it comes from the adjective “mediterranean” which first appeared in the sixteenth century and was used only to describe indistinctly, as Jean-Jacques Rousseau did in 1762, “that which is surrounded by land and separates continents”. In 1769, the naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon even made a list of a whole range of mediterranean seas in the world. ...


Gastaut YVAN
Lecturer in contemporary history, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, URMIS