The Algerian Stamp |
Collection title
La Philatélie AfricaineID
EPTV (DZ)First broadcast date
06/16/2009Production year
The history of the Algerian stamp has undergone well distinct periods. From 1849 to 1924, stamps of France are used in Algeria. In 1924, special stamps were issued for Algeria, some with the words Postes-Algérie and the initials RF(for French Republic). Others, used in France and bearing the words République Française and Algérie, are used in Algeria from 1958 to 1962. On November 1, 1962, the Algerian administration of Posts and Telecommunications made two issues of postage stamps: the first issue consists of five stamps composed of French patterns, depicting sites and landscapes of Algeria.Type
videoProduction companies
- EPTV - Own production
EPTV - 1st national channelAudiovisual form
- Youssfi Ahmed
Primary theme
Fine artsCredits / Cast
- Abdelaziz Rahim - Director
Period of events
- From 1900 to 1925
Map locations
- Algeria - Centre - Algiers
Original language
ArabicMedia running time
6m40Additional information
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