History (part 1) |
Collection title
INA (FR)First broadcast date
10/29/1976Production year
The Mediterranean area is a living museum where the forms of past civilizations are preserved. In this first part of history, Fernand Braudel takes us, with Herodotus and Thucydides, to ancient Greece. André Leroi-Gourhan and Patrice Pomey take us into underwater archeology. Roland Martin and Jean Pouilloux evoke the first east-west conflict with the Median wars between Persians and Greeks, and the battle of Marathon. Gilbert Charles Picard recalls the rivalry between Rome and Carthage, which will see the destruction of the Punic city, while Georges Duby is in the Middle Ages with the first Crusades and the rivalry between eastern Christianity and Roman Christianity.Type
videoProduction companies
- ORTF - Coproduction
- RAI - Coproduction
- Europe 1 (EUR1) - Coproduction
FTV - F3Audiovisual form
- Hérodotus, Greek historian
- Thucydides Greek historian
Primary theme
AntiquitySecondary themes
- Art, Culture and Knowledge
- Historical heritages / Latin and oriental christendom
- Historical heritages / Byzantine Empire
- Historical heritages / Arab and muslim worlds
Credits / Cast
- Vilarbedo Carlos - Director
- Braudel Fernand - Participant
- Duby Georges - Participant
- Leroi-Gourhan André - Participant
Period of events
- From -500 to 0
Map locations
- Greece - Centre - Marathon
Original language
FrenchMedia running time
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