Egypt at the time of Aswan |
Collection title
Sept jours du mondeID
INA (FR)First broadcast date
02/28/1964Production year
The French TV reporters rediscover Egypt seven years after the Suez crisis. Beyond the classic images of tourism of the Pyramids, the eternal rhythm of the fellah in the fields or the boatmen of the Nile and a youth ubiquitous in areas of the city, they discover a modern Egypt, beginning to build with the help of the USSR: buildings sites and especially the grandiose project of Aswan, which will be the largest dam in the world.Type
videoProduction companies
- ORTF - International Exchanges
ORTFAudiovisual form
- Nasser Gamal Abdel
Primary theme
CapitalsSecondary themes
- Landscapes and environment / Water issues
- Tourism and cultural sites / Tourist sites
- Economy / Techniques and technologies
- Economy / Roads and transports
Credits / Cast
- Mercury Francis - Journalist
Period of events
- 1964
Map locations
- Egypt - Upper Egypt - Aswan
- Egypt - Lower Egypt - Suez Canal
- Egypt - Lower Egypt - Cairo
- Egypt - Lower Egypt - Giza
Original language
FrenchMedia running time
12m3Additional information
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