




In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
The year 1968 had witnessed the first streaming broadcast of JRTV and, along with it, the establishment of the video library which became the cornerstone of one of the most ancient television archives in the region. It started to grow and develop hand in hand with the flourishing and development of the kingdom, until it became a memory that preserves and keeps records of the past and present of a country.
We are honored, as MedMem project is launched, to take part with our partners in its inauguration and to be an integral part of this enormous project that contributes in preserving the human heritage of the Mediterranean countries and opens the door to knowledge sharing between the people of this region.
Similar to the National Television archives of neighboring countries, our archive is opulent. It dates back decades and documents the establishment of the kingdom until today while conveying all aspects of development and renaissance witnessed by Jordan during different stages, from the independence to other historical periods.
Moreover, the archive comprises a plethora of documentary films, Dramas, music and a whole archive reserved for news material. 
Concerning the materials that we wish to include into the project’s website, the process was executed according to foundations already agreed upon with our partners. A general work frame was set, through which seven principal work frames were defined, detailing the titles of the selected materials. These seven frames constituted the pillar of the indexing process used to control the selection process of the required materials, so the latter would be included into the project’s system.
Hence, the selection process was not random but rather systematic according to an already- agreed- upon strategy that adopted the seven work frames defined by the project. These frames were the key-element of the indexed material selection process for the archive; all while taking into consideration that these materials are suitable – in terms of content and technicality - for broadcasting and they fulfill, the standards that paved the way for the selection and uploading process on the project’s website.

We wholeheartedly wish that we took the right path in the selection so these materials would become a cornerstone in the heritage system of this region, and therefore it would be of much help to achieve the higher aim of this enormous project.
Khaled Alabdallat:

Video (409)
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