Uninettuno (IT)
The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is a distance Teaching University established by the Decree of the Italian Minister of Education, “University and Research” of the 15th April 2005, which delivers Italian and European academic titles and assures the follow-up of the Med Net’U – Mediterranean Network of Universities - funded by the European Commission in the framework of the EUMEDIS cooperation programme for the creation of a Euro-Mediterranean Distance University.
Today, UNINETTUNO includes 31 partners, traditional universities, distance university and technological companies, belonging to 11 Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Egypt, France, Jordan, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey) which work together to create a true technological network based on the use of receiving and transmitting contents through digital satellites that connect the 11 production centres and the 31 technological poles located at the partners’ premises.
Within years of activities, UNINETTUNO has created an archive of 40.000 hours of academic and cultural video contents with a special focus on Europe and the Mediterranean Region. Today, all UNINETTUNO partners can produce, broadcast and receive educational content, via Internet, via satellite, and on television on the satellite channel RAI NETTUNO SAT. HotBird, which is the satellite that broadcasts RAI NETTUNO SAT, has a very large geographical coverage which can reach not only the whole Europe, including also the East European countries, but also the Mediterranean area, Asia and Africa. Not only video lessons, but also multilingual contents such as seminars, interviews, events, special lessons from artists, writers, philosophers, musicians, special contents and debate on peace, dialogue, religions, with a special focus on the Mediterranean Culture, are broadcasted free on air on RAI NETTUNO SAT and available on demand on
The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO collaborated with Med-Mem project in 4 different ways:
· Promoting and disseminating through its media (web portal, Satellite TV channel, web tv, Facebook) Med-Mem and its activities during the different phases of the project;
· Proposing Med-Mem video contents to the students of the Faculty of Media and Communication as didactical materials for specific focus and works;
· Studying the methodology and the approach for using Med-Mem portal and videos as didactical and e-learning tools for students;
· Creating a specific channel on Med-Mem web portal by proposing a series of special video contents broadcasted by RAI NETTUNO SAT and
Contact :
Nicola Paravati
Video (19)
Audio (0)