


Astram Collection

A mosaic of life narratives:
The collection of short documentaries entitled “Je me souviens… de la Méditerranée” (“I remember... the Mediterranean”) is based on the work of researchers at the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme at Aix en Provence (TELEMME Laboratory [Time, Spaces, Languages, Southern Europe, Mediterranean]), under the supervision of Maryline Crivello. The series consists of collecting brief “life narratives” – the testimony of individual memories, of people of all ages and social backgrounds, from several countries in the Mediterranean area. The memories, which are fragile, conflictual, and always under threat from forgetfulness or exile, form a mosaic which portrays our history, caught up between divisions, violent episodes, wandering and hopes. Taking its inspiration from the writing approach of Georges Perec in “Je me souviens”, the first shoots were carried out in 2011 for this collection, on an axis linking Marseille and Beirut. In 2011, the work continued, and five new films were made: five ways of seeing and five testimonies from children of the Algerian immigration in the 1970s.
The conception and making of the films were entrusted to students studying for a Master’s degree in Sciences, Arts and Techniques of Image and Sound (SATIS-University of Aix-Marseille at Aubagne), with the collaboration of the team of the ASTRAM Laboratory (Arts, Sciences and Technology in Audiovisual and Multimedia Research) under the supervision of Jacques Sapiega. The films are made under the scientific supervision of researchers in contemporary history and social anthropology. The short format is in keeping with the general architecture of the project, which consists of covering a wide range of testimonies, based on specific areas of research. The overall audiovisual conception is also considered, through research into the interactions between digital technologies and the transmission of memory.
Several projects are under way involving exchanges with other partners in the Mediterranean basin, giving rise to dialogues between film-makers, musicians, historians, photographers, and writers. The "Med Mem" scheme (Audiovisual memories in the Mediterranean), led by the Institut National de l’Audiovisuel in Marseille, is hosting the collection, which has no time limit (its realisation will continue after 2013 with other partner schools and universities). “Je me souviens… de la Méditerranée” combines Research, Education and Creation.
Contact :
Marianne Charbonnier –Astram Laboratory

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