




September 2012
Rai archives contain more than two thousand hours of digitized video. The contribution to the Med-Mem project is about 400 items. A small part of the assets, and as many broadcasters the extent of the spread of these materials outside the company, are the rights and restrictions that now prevent you from being able to spread cultural, historical and human material at all.
Among the 400 contributions of Rai in Med-Mem project, the 10 video in the list below have been chosen for the value of their content and for the recovery made from media such as films. They represent a significant sample of the value present in RAI television archives.
RAI00113       Umberto Eco/ Italians cioè Italiani  20 - 3 – 1997 RAI - RAI Tre          
A cycle of about 30 programs in 1997 that spawned the famous Italian to the Italian people, treated with courtesy and historical accuracy, the interviews with the various characters are a valuable collection for Italy, science of culture and arts.
RAI00137       Porto Torres/Un campanile alla volta 8 - 21 – 1958           RAI - Programma Nazionale
Program recovered and digitized by media in film. Cycle of about 20 episodes in 1958 dedicated to the typical towns of the Italian territory. Significant content that emphasizes geographic and local economy and customs of everyday life.
RAI00160       Jasmine is also a flower /Storie di donne 11 - 30 – 1971 RAI - RAI Uno 
This particular cycle of 31 episodes started in 1971 until 2006, said the realities women in the world, analyzing historical and social facts with the changing role of women in different societies. The video chosen "Jasmine and 'a flower" shows the Calabria Women of different ages who tell their hard work pickers jasmine exploitation, low pay, the illegal hiring, the lack of prospects for themselves and for southern Italy. Also this video was on support film then restored on Beta and now digitized.
RAI00163       Myths and legends from the South/ L'approdo 4 - 17 – 1968 RAI - RAI Uno
The landing along a path about 100 television episodes from 1963 to 1971 dedicated to the art and tradition with the use of period films such as that one proposed for Med-Mem with a vision of Sicily from the past where the family was the center of social life and one of the most widely used media were cata stories.
RAI00189       Books and libraries/Passepartout     11 - 29 – 2009            RAI - RAI Tre          
Passepartout cycle still currency, which with its 355 episodes from 2001 along a literary, cultural and artistic route in Italy and abroad. Libraries Heritage is presented as a historical document to make known by the younger generation.
RAI00194       L'Aquila earthquake /Porta a Porta 4 - 10 – 2009 RAI - RAI Uno
RAI archive recounts the tragedies with images of nature and natural disasters such as the 2009 earthquake in Abruzzo, in the city Aquila. Record, feelings, solidarity transmitted with human warmth and respect in images and interviews of this report.
RAI00257       Rita Levi-Montalcini /FIGU : Album di persone notevoli 12 - 2 – 2010 RAI - RAI Tre
A review of important people, about 400 episodes each dedicated to a different personality, from 2009 to 2012 with the recovery of inserts of historical material and integrated with new productions of another value.
RAI00402       Women in power /Speciale Tg1 1 - 11 – 2009 RAI - RAI Uno
Significant extract from the program "Women and Politics" which features retrieval of archival material in the film and has the status of women in various spheres of society.
RAI00466       The attempted coup of December 7, 1970 /Unomattina 1 - 3 – 2008 RAI - RAI Uno
Journalist using archival material related to a dramatic political event of 1970, the story seen in pictures.
RAI00469       1940 : Italy attacks France /Prigionieri di Guerra Alleati in Italia : 1940 – 1945
 2 - 21 – 2008 RAI - RAI Uno
Journalist using archival material related to a dramatic political event of the year 1940.

Video (406)
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